
Risk Assessment 

Persons who may be harmed
Property which may be damaged
Risk controls already in place & persons responsible for communicating them
Risk Assessment
Further measures needed for reducing risk
Small table- tripping over it.
The presenter or any of the guests.
The table or anything that the person falls into after tripping over the table.
Move the table to the side of the room where no one can trip over it.
Electricity- electric shock.
Anyone in the room so the presenter or the guests.
Electrical items in the room so things like computers or anything that uses a plug.
No types of liquid whilst in the room recording.
To turn off all electrical equipment in the room that is not being used to record the podcast.
Pins on board-standing on one that has fallen off or been dropped.
The person who stands on it could be anyone in the room at the time of the recording.
The pin or anything the person who stands on the pin falls into.
The room would have been checked before to see if there was anything on the floor that could cause harm.
Before the podcast double check that there is nothing on the floor that could cause harm.

Risks and Hazards

1.    Copyright -yes
2.    Intellectual property -no
3.    Slander/libel -no
4.    Filming permission -yes
5.    Royalties -no
6.    Violence -no
7.    Offensive language -no
8.    Release forms -yes
9.    Rights to use material/footage/buildings/other -yes
Which numbers apply? Give details as to your solutions

Number 1 applies to me because I used some audio from a video from a YouTube video but if it is short then there is no need to bother about asking for permission.

Number 4 applies to me because I needed to find a room to record my podcast in and I was given permission to use the language room.

Number 8 applies to me because i had to fill out a talent release form.

Number 9 applies to me because I needed to get equipment to record my podcast such as a mic and also I needed a building/room to use.

LOCATION RECCE – Language Room

Prepared by
Josh Cornwell
Language Room
Podcast recording
Scene/Purpose of filming/recce
Podcast recording

photo 1                                             photo 2

Site details

Site contact name
LongRoad Sixth Form College
Site address
01223 507400
Tom Woodcock
Point of access
One door in to the room
There will be a notice on the door saying that the room is available.
Safety issues

Do not have any type of liquid in the room whilst the recording is taking place.             


The sunlight may get in the presenters or guests eyes and disturb them.


The windows are not soundproofed and that could affect the recording.

Put a sign outside the room to say that there is a recording going on and to be quiet.
Emergency details
Either contact Tom Woodcock or any other teacher that is in the area or if it is
Very serious call 999.
Overall suitability
It is suitable for a recording but Is a little bit small.
